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Best Approach and strategies for LinkedIn Outreach Messages

LinkedIn Tips & Tricks
January 30, 2021
 min read
Linkedin Outreach Messages

Good and decent communication is one of the major perspectives for generating more sales and conversions in the field of sales and marketing. Communicating your messages and emails in an effective way can drastically increase your conversion rate and that’s the reason why you should be focusing on your Outreach Messages and cold emails.

There is no doubt that a huge number of businesses and companies use LinkedIn as their main channel for generating high quality leads. Nearly 80% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn for generating leads.

If you are also among them then you might be knowing that using automation tools such as LinkedIn Sales Navigator does not deliver the expected results or conversion. Well, it can be because of the same practice and pattern of approaching differently at a time with no personalization.

If you want good results and be ahead of your competitors then you will have to do something different. You will have to add some personalization to your messages and follow the best approach and strategies for LinkedIn Outreach Messages which we will discuss in this post. So let’s discuss what you should be taking care of and how you should be sending LinkedIn Outreach Messages in this Best Approach and strategies for LinkedIn Outreach Messages.

1. Short and Simple

Just try to keep it short and simple. On average it only takes a couple of seconds for the prospect to decide whether to read your message or ignore it.

LinkedIn has a small chat window on both the desktop and mobile version (Until you open the main chat box) so writing or texting a large outreach message which can’t be read without scrolling can be a reason for ignoring your Outreach messages. Sometimes it looks spam at first sight.

You are not required to deliver the information of your product or services in the initial outreach. Instead you only have to gain the attention of the prospect towards your offerings.

So it’s always better to keep your initial LinkedIn outreach short and simple, not more than three lines and not delivering every bit of information about your products or services.


2. Giving attention to your prospects

This is one of the major parts of the personalization of your LinkedIn Outreach Messages. Most of the business or company owner’s focus on themselves in their outreach messages telling who they are, what they provide, etc.

But this is a wrong way of approaching your prospect and can be the reason for your low conversion or response rate. You should always try to provide attention to your prospects by addressing them first.

This completely changes the thought process of the prospect and straight away declares that your only objective is to reach out and help them. By using this strategy you will definitely increase your lead generation and conversion rate.


3. Getting response

Giving up on the ignored response from the prospect after the initial LinkedIn Outreach messages is where you can improve a lot and increase your response or lead generation rate.

Still most of the professionals give up on the ignored or no response from the prospect after the first LinkedIn Outreach Messages. But we always recommend you to try at least 4 times with different strategies convincing your prospect to revert back.

Initially you should only send a LinkedIn Outreach message to them. If they accept your message, send them a follow up response within a day. Wait for some day for their response and if you do not receive a response, send them another outreach message in one or two weeks.

At last you can send one final message after a month approx. You can offer them a free consultation on call or meeting. The point is that you have to be persistent for a short period without getting any spam alert on LinkedIn.


4. Clear communication

As we already stated, Good and decent communication can bring you unbelievable results from LinkedIn. To generate more leads and increase your conversion rate you will have to focus on your offerings, relevance and outreach strategies.

Your offer should look unique, your products and services relevance should be used with popular brands and users with the perfect combination of the outreach strategies discussed here.


5. Social Value

You should include the names or the brands of the customers whom you’ve worked within the past. This will increase your social presence and value in your prospectors mind. This strategy can substantially increase your conversion or respond rate if you have worked with some big named clients in the past. It can also be used as a social proof in your LinkedIn Outreach Message.

However, you can also present a case study showing the prospect how your services or products have helped relevant companies or businesses achieve their goals. This is one of the best approaches if your brand or services are new in the market and does not have a good social presence.


6. Portfolio

Using a portfolio is best for the professionals who use their creativity in their jobs such as copywriters, developers, Website or Graphic designers, photographers, etc.

Portfolio can be a proof of what you are capable of, and this is what your prospect or want to see at the first sight. If your prospect likes your work then he or she will always remember you when relevant service is required by them.


7. Personalization

Personalization is one of the major things that you should add to your LinkedIn Outreach Messages. This might look underrated but it has the capability to substantially increase your profit, conversion and lead generation rate.

Once you get a response from your prospect, make sure that you reply to them in a personalized way. Adding a personal touch makes the prospect feel special. Further it also makes them interested if your services or products are relevant to their requirement.

In the beginning you might feel it difficult or uncomfortable, but after a week you will enjoy it with your personal growth in the profit, conversion and lead generation.


8. Automation

We all know that it’s impossible to manually reach out to hundreds of prospects per week.

And that’s the reason you should be using tool Meet Alfred. It is the world’s easiest and most advanced, all in one LinkedIn, Email and Twitter Automation platform.

LinkedIn Outreach Messages have their own advantage and effectiveness. Most of the sales and marketing people use it for increasing their network, generating more leads and making more profit. But all these benefits are only available when you use it with the correct approach and strategies. Hope this post about Best approach and strategies for LinkedIn Outreach messages help you a lot in effective communication with your prospects.

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