
Top 10 LinkedIn Automation Tools

LinkedIn Tips & Tricks
June 20, 2021
 min read
Linkedin Automation Tools

If you want to target people in the professional services industry you have to find those people within LinkedIn. With the help of Sales Navigator you can do it quite easily . Firstly you have to fill the search box with your requirements and you will get the results. The main problem is you have to list from all the individuals that LinkedIn has shown you as a result of the search. But the key problem is you don't have time to sit and look through all the search results. So LinkedIn has brought a feature called Linked Automation. It allows you to automatically send messages to prospects and helps to build healthy relationships.

The most significant LinkedIn Automation Tool -

What LinkedIn Automation allows you to do is it sends automatic connection requests to your ideal prospects , from the list that you have made with the help of sales navigator . It is going to send automatic requests upto 100 per day and then when someone accepts your request LinkedIn is automatically going to send a series of follow up messages. It will help you to start your conversation with the new clients. So it reduces the manual labour and you can get your work done within a very short time frame. That's why we are bringing here

The Top 10 LinkedIn Automated tolls are listed below -
  1. Meet Alfred
  2. Zopto
  3. Expandi
  4. LinkedIn Sales Navigator
  5. Phantombuster
  6. TexAu
  7. Dux - Soup
  8. WeConnect
  9. LinkedIn Helper
  10. Growthlead
  1. Meet Alfred - Meet Alfred  is a LinkedIn Automation that mainly helps in social selling campaigns. It helps to make campaigns, creates a strong relationship between team members and it has a very active outreach strategy. 

Meet Alfred is also going to show all the people that you reached out to and it will give you the conversion rate.  Its main features are -  Alfred CRM,  helps to build Emails Campaigns sequences . It also offers every other feature that LinkedIn Automation consists of. 

  • It automatically sequences email campaigns. So you don't have to regularly check if everything is being properly done or not.
  • The company uses its own Alfred CRM it is going to manage all your connections and the potential with the help of LinkedIn CRM. Both Alfred CRM and LinkedIn CRM go hand in hand.
  • Alfred is also having a lot of extra features such as things like Twitter integrations to send direct messages to people that you can connect to on LinkedIn , It also has email integrations and support which is within the software itself you don't need any external tools to send out emails to people.
  • Alfred is quite easy to use. You don't have to worry about how long to wait between sending out each message and each connection request. Meet Alfred does all of that for you without you having to think about it.
  • It will help you to find your ideal targeted consumer -  Meet Alfred is a built-in LinkedIn search, so all the data is going to be kept strictly confidential , it will automatically link up  with other  tools, it is easy to use and it is connected with LinkedIn . Meet Alfred has everything that you are  looking for  and discover the best connections to build more pipelines.
  •  It will create multiple campaign sequences -  It will automatically engage your prospects with profile views, endorsements, connection requests, messages, InMails, Emails as well as Twitter DMs. It is going to change your approach based on how the audience's are reacting and then you can  implement your changes as required.
  • Meet Alfred is going to provide you even stronger results - 

Meet Alfred's performance results will help you to improve your campaigns to drive and it will help you to get even stronger results. It will help you to generate more revenue.

Pricing :  Meet Alfred has 2 types of plans and it also provides you a free 14 day trial

  • Business Plans start from $79 /month, user.
  • Personal Plans start from $29/month, user.
  1.  Zopto - There is also an option to connect your LinkedIn profile with Zopto where you can extract profile data like name , email, phone number etc. With the help of this feature you can also send automated emails to those whom you are not connected with and  you can build a healthy relationship with them. But you'll have to be careful who you send these messages to because you don't want to spam people. Zopto also helps you to build a massive referral network. You can have great success using these tools from reaching out to the ideal prospects to finally connecting with them.
Zopto Linkedin Automation


  • Zopto will help you to make a comprehensive list of all the latest apps that are available. So any kind of work can be done with the help of Zopto. Even if you don't have all the details of the clients , Zopto will make a list for you.
  • When you are using Zopto you don't need to have any extra knowledge , it is very easy to use. Some of the automated tools require coding to use it but in this case you don't need to worry about those things. Zopto automatically helps to do all these things. You will only require coding when you are automating dev scripting.
  • The biggest advantage of Zopto is that it is very cost effective. Here there are options where you only need to pay for the numbers of Zopto that you are using and you don't need to pay anything extra. You can also adjust your pricing according to your usage. The price is charged completely on the basis of usage. It is also very cheap and affordable.


  • Here you can work two ways. The system is made in such a way that two way work synchronization is not possible. Some of the automating devices can require certain external devices such as IFTTT . So this can turn out to be a very big disadvantage . 
  • Zopto also does not have any native iOS app. So it is very likely that you will face some problems while you are working on those fields. Because Zopto doesn't have a native support list there's always some unknown or doubtful apps. There may be a chance of getting viruses or leakage of confidentiality data.

Pricing: Zopto has three types of plans to offer 

  • Personal - $215/ month
  • Grow - $395/month
  • Agency - $895/ month

3. Expandi - It is very easy to use and it is very convenient. It is what we use when we have a lot of options . It adds less and it saves a lot of time. You can use it whenever you want. In Expandi every single account has a unique IP . So basically whenever you set up the account you have to select the country from which the proxy originates and thus it gets a unique IP that will be relevant to the country itself.  

 Expandi Linkedin Automation
  • Webhooks - With the help of webhooks you can connect Expandi with other marketing instruments. And you get to personalize your content according to your requirements.
  • Smart Inbox - Managing your Inbox is quite a difficult task. You can easily lose your messages and by mistake if you delete it thus it becomes more difficult to retrieve it. And now if you have more than one account then it just becomes impossible to do. So with the help of smart Inbox you are never going to lose a text and your engagement with the audience will be ongoing .
  • Dynamic Personalization - Here you can reach out to many people at the same time and the success rate is also very high. You will get to choose whom you want to connect with and how to do iit. 
  • Safety - Your IP address will be different each time you log in with other devices . But in case of Expandi you get a specific IP address and the chances of  getting hacked is also very less.  Expandi always ensures your company's safety.
  • The user interface is really good. It's very easy to use and really easy to set up. It's completely without any code so if anyone is new to all these things then it will be very easy for them to navigate , and use , understand. 
  • You can send only 100 connection requests .
  • Your account can get banned and restricted on LinkedIn so that's something you need to look into. It could be controlled if you just use your accounts to send  10 to 20 connection requests per day and then slowly warm up to 100 messages. Expandi also had a proxy issue so this is indeed one of the cons of the software.

Pricing: Starting from $99/ per account  and it also provides a free 7 day trial. 

       4.  LinkedIn Sales Navigator - When  you have to start your search. You can use the LinkedIn Sales Navigator to find your results.  With the help of Sales Navigator you can see everybody who is on LinkedIn you don't have to be in connection with them.  With the help of sales Navigator you can build a custom search. Some of the features are 

  • Recommendations - With the help of LinkedIn sales Navigator you can reach the right individuals very quickly. On the basis of your preferred customers you will be recommended more such consumers like that.
  • Company Research -  LinkedIn Sales Navigator will help you reach out to companies looking for leads so you have got a chance there. And if you can engage with them then you can seal the deal. 
Linkedin Sales Navigator
  • There is an option for advanced search. It allows you to search as many results as there are no restrictions. You can use as many filters as you want to reach your desired result. You can search anything like jobs types, company, qualifications, experience you can find all of these things with the help of LinkedIn Sales Navigator.
  • You have something as a lead recommendation . It looks at you search history , past prospects and makes such recommendations for your organisation. 
  • There is also a CRM in LinkedIn Sales Navigator. With the help of CRM you can view the LinkedIn sales navigator as a widget within the CRM. There is also a deals feature where you can see a dashboard and it will give you all the opportunities for your future leads.
  • LinkedIn Sales Navigator takes up a lot of time. The process is very lengthy. Being a business owner you can spend so much time on these things but even your managers have to spend much time on that and their time could have been better spent doing anything more useful. So overall LinkedIn Sales Navigation is a very time consuming process.
  • The Sales Navigator comes in  a costly range. So you have to see whether you are getting any benefit from it or not. 

Pricing: It offers three types of Plan

  • Professional $ 79.99/ month
  • Team $103.33/ month
  • Enterprise custom package

        5. Phantombuster - A phantom is a useful device that will perform simple automated action on your behalf. It saves a lot of time and effort. It is also an automation and data removal tool that helps to generate potential consumers , selects the required audiences and helps the company to grow. One phantom equals one action so you can use several phantoms at a time .But it only works with LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Google and sales navigator. So how can you find the right one? You have to go to the store on the website then you will get access to all of the phantoms and you can also use the filters to help you get the particular types of actions that you are looking for.

  • It helps to boost your network throughout LinkedIn. It will connect you to some influential networks.
  • Phantombuster will automatically start liking  and commenting on the posts that you are following. This feature helps to build a connection between the two parties involved.
  • In Phantom Buster your dashboard is going to be the place from where you can access everything that is related to each of your phantoms and it will take you to the phantoms console page and then you can edit your setup. So this is all about Phantom Buster and how you can implement it in your day to day life.

Pricing: It provides you different packages

  • Growth hacker $ 30/ month
  • Business$ 70/month
  • Enterprise $200/month
  • Premium $900/ month

       6. TexAu -  TexAu means test and automation. It also helps your business to grow faster by receiving all the essential data and documents you need. It is extremely simple and easy to approach . You can use it in Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Quota and other apps. Some of the features are 

  • It will start finding emails if required with the help of linkedin profiles. So you can send messages to anybody even if you are not connected.
  • It will also start advertisements. It will start liking ,commenting and sharing posts of influential persons . 
TexAu  Linkedin Automation
  • If you are into lead generation then it is going to be a very useful tool. The customer is amazing. You can do things in the customer support panel and you can get the responses . You will feel like you are directly connected to the people who actually run the company, not the customer support. 
  • It has some special features that not any other company is having like LinkedIn Helper. Some of the profiles are getting shut down due to the massive scale. While TexAu uses cookies and things like that to run so you are not going to get caught it's basically using your own profile.

Pricing: It starts from $29/month

               Growth  $79/month 

               Agency $ 199/month

       7. Dux-Soup - Dux - Soup is the best tool available in the market , it helps to connect with the consumers very easily. But when you are working you will have to keep LinkedIn open in your browser to have work going.

  • Personalized Connection Request
  • Automatic Massaging
  • Automatic Tagging
  • It will Download all your data
  • It also keeps on revisiting your data
  • Automatic Endorsing
  • There is proper control and  Transparency
  • There is very much complexity in the interface, it is a bit difficult to use and you need to know about different things before using dux- Soup. The interface is a bit tricky and if you are new then you may have to face a lot of problems.
  • It doesn't have it's own CRM system . So it depends on other tools.
  • In Dux-Soup the possibility of teamwork is very less. It is mostly used by employees on their own. The teamwork interface is not very helpful.    

Pricing: It offers three types of packages but it doesn't provide a free trial

  • Free
  • Professional $11.25/month ,user
  • Turbo $42.25/month ,user.

         8. WeConnect - WeConnect is mainly a cloud based automation tool. It is a very strong operator. It is a platform that will accelerate your prospecting on LinkedIn.With the help of WeConnect you can personalize your message as you want. It has a feature of smart reply management where it is going to send replies automatically. It is usually used by the sales and the marketing department . So this is all about WeConnect:

  • You can create campaigns and schedule follow up messages to them.
  • You can also view all of your saved lists , you just have to click on the folder to see all the details
  • The main problem with WeConnect is that they don't offer their own proxies
  • In WeConnect you have to face restrictions regarding the number of messages sent per day. They also have a limited number of connections.

Pricing:  It's pricing is very simple $49/user, month.

        9.  LinkedIn Helper - LinkedIn Helper will help you through social selling marketing. It saves a lot of time and helps you to reach out to essential leads. It automatically responds to consumers to reach out to them.

  • Check for Replies action this will analyse the history that you had with the context in the queue.
  • Advances Limits this helps to limit specific actions such as invitations , endorsements and messages.
  • You can also invite individuals to events with an invite to event. You need to create an invite page on LinkedIn first and then you have to copy the link to that event and paste it in the Linked Helper. Then the programme will automatically invite connections that match with your requirements.
  • You can also invite with emails here you have to activate the setting that will allow you to keep on sending invitations to the consumers .  This also helps you to bypass the restrictions where LinkedIn doesn't allow you to invite without submitting an email of the person that you are trying to connect with for a long time
  • Last but not the least, override platform settings. If you are having any profiles that are collected from the paid LinkedIn subscriptions and you want to invite them with the help of normal LinkedIn then you can convert the profiles by enabling the override option. You only have to select the desired platform and the platform is going to be converted.
  • The cost of LinkedIn Helper is a bit high. You have to see if you are getting any benefit or not.
  • LinkedIn Helper is difficult to use. It has so many options or filters that if you are using it for the first time you may get confused.

Pricing:  You can use it for free or other packages are

  • Basic $38/month
  • Pro $59/month
  • Advance $79/month

       10. GrowthLead - It is a tool that automates linkedin outreach. GrowthLead is also a cloud based tool. Its main purpose is for social selling. It will help you to identify and reach out to potential prospects. It will help you to engage with them for future purposes. It  has automation outreach that mainly helps you to manage multiple accounts. There are many options available from where you can choose a plan that will fulfill your requirements.  When you are adding a new campaign and you have a sales navigator then you can create the campaign but also you can use an import feature and then you have to add members you can also add LinkedIn people, tag leads on sets on sales navigator you can tag them from the sales navigator platform which is quite useful.. In this way you can also do a cold email campaign so both the work will be done at the same time and you will not have to think about it any more.

  • You can also send multiple campaigns at the same time and you can send 50 emails to any profile with a sales navigator
  •  You can also upload your CSV file where you can have linked accounts
  • Here you can send connection requests from 15 - 25 per day which is very less.
  • It is a cloud based tool so you may face some restrictions regarding the usage.

Pricing: It starts from $70 /month,user

  • Pro $ 100/ month,user
  • Advance $150/month,user.

Conclusion -  We hope that the list of LinkedIn Automation Tool was helpful and you will start using  LinkedIn leads . These are the top 10 automation tools that are best among the others. And with the implementation of these tools your life will  get much easier. 

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An employee of Meet Alfred