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38 LinkedIn Connection Message Templates Guaranteed to Boost Sales

Boost response rates and your ability to convert leads with this collection of proven LinkedIn messages and email templates. This guide includes a list of tips and proven customizable templates to start driving desired results!

In this book, you'll learn how to:

  • Formulate LinkedIn connection requests
  • Ways to keep the conversation going
  • Create a hyper-personalized sales pitch
Image of book "38 LinkedIn Templates Guaranteed to Boost Sales." | Meet Alfred

Whether your goal is sales or outreach, LinkedIn is an incredibly useful tool for achieving it. You can use LinkedIn to encourage connections with others, then nurture those relationships and turn them into a sale.

To get the best results from your LinkedIn InMail efforts, you need to send solid messages. While it helps to learn tips for crafting the ideal automated LinkedIn messaging, it becomes even easier if you can take advantage of templates.

We’ve gathered a variety of marketing campaign templates that you can use in your LinkedIn messages. They range from those for connection requests to those for follow-up messages of all types. Many are versatile enough to also work as cold emailing templates.

After going over the various LinkedIn message templates, we’ll give you a quick refresher on how to craft the perfect messages to make the most of your LinkedIn InMail limits.

Meet Alfred gives you access to 600+ templates via its template library. These are included with every plan, so you don’t have to worry about finding the right words or searching online for a template.

Templates for LinkedIn Connection Requests

One of your first steps in LinkedIn campaign management will be to make connection requests. You can send each LinkedIn connection request individually or automate LinkedIn connections. In either case, the following templates give you plenty of options, no matter what you want to accomplish.

Graphic of two people connecting on LinkedIn. | Meet Alfred

Keep LinkedIn Connection Messages Simple

The following templates are great if you aren’t sure what to say and just want to keep things simple.

  1. “I’d love to connect with you. – [Your name] [Credentials]”
  2. “[Name], I’ve enjoyed reading your posts. I’d love to connect.”

Highlighting Common Ground in Connection Requests

These templates help you increase the chance of the recipient accepting your request by highlighting something you have in common.

  1. “I thought your insights in [LinkedIn post] were very interesting. I’d love to connect and discuss this topic.”
  2. “I saw you also attended [LinkedIn event]. I’d love to connect with you.”
  3. “Your profile [Or comment on a post or event] shows you are interested in [Topic]. This is also an interest of mine. Let’s connect.”
Graphic of two people connecting puzzle pieces. | Meet Alfred

LinkedIn Messages To Start Working Toward Your Sales Goal

Yet another option for a LinkedIn connection message is to be upfront about your goal. This is more of a direct approach, and the text will depend on what your goal is.

  1.  “[Name], I’d appreciate it if you could help our young company in [Industry] with some feedback. I’d love to connect. – [Your name] [Role in company]”
Graphic of outreach on LinkedIn hitting bullseye. | Meet Alfred

LinkedIn Message Templates for Cold Messaging on LinkedIn

If someone is a first-degree connection, you can skip sending a personalized LinkedIn

connection request, as you will already be able to send or automate LinkedIn InMail to them. Of course, you can still start with a connection request if you prefer, and some of the following templates would work for that as well.

But you will also notice that many of these personalized LinkedIn messages are designed to achieve a specific goal. It may be moving the connection along your sales funnel or encouraging them to spread the word about your company.

Graphic of people connecting online. | Meet Alfred

LinkedIn Messages To Send Right After Connecting

To start, consider something like the following if your first-degree connection accepts your connection request. You will notice the templates range from general questions and conversations to more specific questions. The latter can help with conversation flow and point the prospect in the direction you want, while the former leaves it open for them to decide.

Graphic of making a connection on LinkedIn. | Meet Alfred
  1. “[Name], thank you for connecting. I can’t wait to learn more about your company [Or experience].”
  2.  “[Name], thanks for connecting. I’ve found your LinkedIn content very interesting. Do you post often?”
  3. “Thanks for connecting. As a [Role], how do you currently overcome [Pain point that you specialize in overcoming]?”

Following a Lull in the Conversation

Consider something like the following if you have accidentally left a message unread for a while.

  1. “Hi, [Name]. I was just going over my messages and realized I haven’t responded! I hope you are well. I promise the delay doesn’t mean any lack of enthusiasm. See you on LinkedIn and hopefully in person. – [Name]”
  2. “Hey, [Name]. Sorry for not reaching out earlier. I apologize if it was my fault. I would love to reconnect if you have a few minutes. If you have other priorities now, I understand.”
Graphic of connecting on various online avenues. | Meet Alfred

Or use the following variation if you haven’t heard from the connection or reached out to them in a long time. It can help you maintain the relationship you worked so hard to gain.

  1.  “Hey, [Name], we haven’t talked in [X months]. I hope everything is going well for you. What projects are you working on? Looking forward to seeing you in person and online. – [Name]”
Graphic of LinkedIn connection message bubble. | Meet Alfred

A similar situation would be if you haven’t talked to the person in a while and you noticed they viewed your profile.

  1. “[Name], thanks for visiting my profile. We haven’t talked in a while; did you drop by for a particular reason? I’d love to reconnect with you! – [Name]”

Keeping the Conversation Going

Sending messages on major milestones is an excellent method of showing your connections that you are thinking about them. It also increases your touchpoints and improves your relationship. As a bonus, a LinkedIn automation tool can streamline this for you. For example, consider the following.

  1. “Congratulations on your new promotion [Or job]! Let me know if you want any advice for a seamless transition into your new role. I would love to help you however I can.”
  2.  “Congratulations on your new role! I think [Product or service] could help you with [Pain point you resolve that is common to the industry].”
Graphic of LinkedIn connection message. | Meet Alfred

Meet Alfred’s Greetings feature lets you automate LinkedIn messages for this type of scenario. You can send customized messages for connections’ birthdays, job anniversaries, or when they change jobs. This type of LinkedIn InMail automation means you will never forget to send a message for a major event.

Building a Relationship on LinkedIn

That mutual connection can be crucial for a first-degree connection. There are useful templates that let you use your LinkedIn message automation tool to highlight that mutual connection, especially if the connection in question served as a referral. You’ll notice that this template includes a spot to insert your phone number as well. This helps let the prospect reach out to you via their preferred method.

  1.  “Hi, [Name]. [Mutual connection] mentioned your company and its work. We’re really interested in what you’ve been doing and have some ideas to help you. [Briefly explain ideas and why they are important.] We could do something for you similar to what we did for [Other company helped]. Let’s chat to discuss how we can help you. – [Name] [Phone number].”
Graphic of LinkedIn connections profile. | Meet Alfred

As a Message Follow-up

The right LinkedIn automation tools and strategies will supplement in-person interactions at times. For example, you could send the following message after a meeting as a follow-up. This type of message is excellent at keeping yourself and your company fresh in the memory of the connection.

  1.  “[First name], it was fun discussing [Subject] yesterday. We should make it a point to do it again in the future. – Stay in touch, [Name]”

Further personalize the previous template by referencing something you discussed. This is the perfect opportunity to share a link or other resource you discussed. For example, you could insert the following before your signature in the previous template.

  1. “Here’s a link to the amazing eBook I told you about. [Link]”

You’ll see personalization come up a lot with LinkedIn messages. Meet Alfred makes it easy to automate LinkedIn messages while incorporating hyper-personalization. This type of personalization increases the response rate and helps you form a stronger relationship with the recipient.

In addition to using LinkedIn to follow up after an in-person meeting, you can also use it as a follow-up after another type of interaction. You could send the following as a follow-up to a phone call or video call.

  1. “It was great talking to you on [Day]. I hope next time we can chat in person.”

Meet Alfred lets you use multichannel marketing automation. For example, you can start a conversation on LinkedIn, then move it to Twitter or email and back again. This type of multichannel marketing campaign can include as many steps as you want and go back and forth between channels in any order you prefer or as many times as you need it to.

Graphic of social connection network on cell phone. | Meet Alfred

Or maybe you sent material to your connection. You could send the following:

  1. “Hi [Name], I hope you’ve gotten the chance to read the [Blog/article/eBook/etc.] I sent. Did you find it useful for [Challenge they want to overcome]? I’d love to discuss it with you.”

Offering a Resource

On the other end of the interaction, maybe you have a resource that you think your connection would be interested in. Offering resources without any obvious expectation of the favor being returned is a great way to build a relationship. The following template could help you in this situation.

  1. “Hi, [Name]. I came across an event on LinkedIn that I think a lot of your prospects will attend. I thought you would appreciate knowing about it.”
  2. “Hi, [Name]. I came across these LinkedIn events that are covering [Useful information or industry advancement] and I think it would be valuable for you to consider attending.”
  3. “I found this group that a lot of your prospects spend time in, [Link]. I can tell based on the challenges and topics that you would be able to help a lot of members solve their issues. Let’s chat and I’ll help you make the most of this group.”
Graphic of social connection network on computer. | Meet Alfred

Making a Request From the Connection

Consider the following template if you have an event coming up and want to supplement your social media post scheduling with posts from your connections.

  1. “[Name], we have this cool event [Or promotion, etc.] next week [Link]. I’d appreciate it so much if you could Tweet about it on [Date and time]. You don’t have to get creative, just sharing the link will mean a lot to me. Thanks in advance! – [Name]”

In a situation like the previous template, you could even sweeten the deal by adding something reciprocal at the end to show the relationship isn’t one-sided. You would just use the same text as in the previous template but insert the additional text.

  1. “Let me know if I can return the favor in the future.”

A similar situation would be when you are looking for others in the industry to post a press release or other PR-related article for your company.

  1. “Hi, [Name]. My name is [Name] and I’m [Role]. We recently [Describe achievements] and would love to share a high-quality piece about [Achievement] with you. We’d love it if you could publish it on your platform. Feel free to check out our current content at [Link]. If you prefer, we’d be happy to explore another topic instead. Thank you for your time. – [Name]”

Requesting Feedback

Or maybe you are planning on launching a new product or service and want to use LinkedIn lead automation to get feedback on it from others in your industry.

  1. “Hi, [Name]. We’re launching a new [Product, service, or content] on [Date] and I would love your feedback. It’s like a [Content benefit] right in your inbox. Let me know what you think. I really value your input.”
Graphic of various LinkedIn connection messages dashboard. | Meet Alfred

The best InMail templates let you ask for feedback in more situations than when launching a new product. They can also be a great way to request testimonials or reviews that will help you reach other potential clients.

  1. “Hey, [Name]. I’m so happy you like [Product or service]. I’d really appreciate it if you can take a few minutes to leave a review on [Preferred review website]. [Link to leave a review].”
  2. “Hi, [Name]. I’m so happy you like [Product or service]. We’d love it if you could share a testimonial to help others understand how they can benefit from our product. I took the liberty of formatting the feedback you’ve already given us into some text you could use. [Insert a paragraph or two about benefits of your product/service based on that client’s feedback]. Feel free to use it as is or adjust it any way you please. I look forward to hearing back from you.”
Graphic of person getting reviews and likes on LinkedIn. | Meet Alfred

Using LinkedIn Messaging for Making a Sale

Of course, you will also automate LinkedIn to sell your products or services. This will include selling, negotiation, answering questions, and other parts of the process. The following templates can come in handy throughout this process.

  1. “Hi, [Name]. My pricing is [Price]. I’m confident you will get the promised results, and if you don’t, it’s on me. Let me know when I should get started. Looking forward to collaborating with you, [First name].”

A natural extension of this is using a LinkedIn message template to complete deals on the platform.

  1. “I’m looking forward to working with you in the future. I’ve attached our agreement. Please take a few minutes to reread, and then sign if everything seems good. – [Name]”

Other LinkedIn Messaging Communications

You can also use LinkedIn email templates for regular communications with clients, such as announcements. This could be anything from announcing a price increase to mentioning the launch of a new service or product.

  1. “We’re improving the quality of our service. To that end, the price of this service will increase to [New price] as of [Date]. As a courtesy for your loyalty, we are extending your current rate to [Date]. We appreciate you being our client and enjoy working with you. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. – [Name]”

Templates for LinkedIn Outreach Messages via InMail (Open-profile Messages or Paid Messages)

No matter your strategy on LinkedIn, we typically suggest getting a premium LinkedIn account. This gives you additional features, such as InMail paid messages. It also increases your daily limit for LinkedIn connections, as well as your LinkedIn messaging limits.

That said, if your company is still small and you are testing a LinkedIn campaign before committing, you could wait to get a premium LinkedIn account. Assuming you decide to get the most functionality from LinkedIn with a premium account, then you can use InMail for cold outreach.

As a note, most of the following templates can be easily adapted to connection requests if you don’t have a LinkedIn premium.

Messages For When You Don’t Know Who to Contact

Sometimes, you may be looking for the right person to contact at a company but not be sure who that is. The following template can help in that situation.

  1. “Subject: Could use some assistance… [Name], I’m looking for the person responsible for decisions about [Pain points]. I would appreciate it if you could refer me to the correct person and give me their contact information. Thanks in advance!”

Making a Recommendation

These messages can also be a good way of recommending one of your connections for a role or opportunity that the recipient is looking to fill.

  1. “I’d like to introduce you and [Connection name]. I’ve been working with him on [Project] and he is among the best [Professions] I’ve interacted with. I saw you are in search of an experienced [Role] and I feel [Connection name] would be a good fit.”

Cold Outreach LinkedIn Messages

There are also numerous sales and cold outreach uses for InMail, from praising to hiring to offering a resource to addressing a paint point.

  1. “The new steps [Company] has been taking are truly innovative, putting you at the forefront. Given how challenging this will be, you may appreciate our solution that has helped other companies with similar goals increase revenue by [X%; Or address pain point]. I’d love to send you case studies and give you more details about how your company can get similar or better results.”
  2. “I saw you on [Group, Event, Post, etc.] and thought you would appreciate some additional input. We specialize in [Pain points you address] and would love to send you a collection of our top tips. Should I go ahead and send it to [Email address]?”
  3. “I’m reaching out to startups in the [industry] to see if they would be a good fit for our new beta program. We can help you address [Pain point]. Does this sound interesting to you?”
  4. “I love your background in [Industry]. We are looking for a new [Position] and based on your work history and LinkedIn blog posts, I think you’d be a great fit. Would you like to hear more?”

Bonus: Tips to Keep in Mind as You Use LinkedIn Message Templates

As you use the above LinkedIn messaging templates, keep the following tips in mind. They should help improve your response rate and ability to convert leads.

  • Personalize messages with the recipient’s name, job title, and/or company
  • Find a connection (such as a mutual connection, group, event, or post)
  • Try to keep InMails shorter for the best results
  • Try not to send InMails on Saturdays for the best response rates
  • Include a subject in InMails to those you aren’t connected with
  • Consider LinkedIn automation software to scale up your messaging campaigns

Meet Alfred makes personalization easy by letting you import a .csv file of leads. Meet Alfred automatically captures any additional columns in the file, letting you further customize your message.


With the help of message and cold email templates, you will find it much easier to reach out to prospects and others on LinkedIn. The above templates prevent the need to come up with carefully-crafted messages for each situation, and they are easy to personalize and adjust.

Take the templates to the next level and automate LinkedIn outreach with an automation tool like Meet Alfred. You can use one of our hundreds of templates or create your own, then automate the personalization and sending of the messages themselves. This will save you time, letting you use your ideal templates without having to manually send individual messages.

Learn more about our templates and other features in a demo, then sign up for a 14-day free trial, no credit card required.

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