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6 Basic LinkedIn Outreach Strategies for Beginners

LinkedIn Tips & Tricks
February 3, 2021
 min read
LinkedIn Outreach Strategies for Beginners

LinkedIn outreach strategies are very important for the beginners who want to increase their network on the social media platform of professionals. Increasing the network and the number of connections on LinkedIn is extremely important for sales and marketing professionals.

For beginners LinkedIn Outreach or generating outbound sales is not that simple. For them it's a bit confusing who to approach and whom not. Decent communication with outbound and inbound leads are important for becoming a successful salesperson.

Contacting a LinkedIn user who is not connected to you through direct message requires a LinkedIn Premium or InMail credits. Any LinkedIn user can add a message with a connection request for free with a limited 300 characters, but that’s not effective because prospects can decline your request without opening a message.


So let’s know the 6 basic LinkedIn Outreach Strategies for beginners -


1). Finding Similarity

You can use the LinkedIn profile of your prospect for finding the relevant information about them such as work history, job role, educational and professional background and the area of interest.

 This should be the first step of your approach whenever you try to connect to any of the prospects on LinkedIn. This will also help you a lot in finding the similarities or the common ground between you and the person you are trying to connect with.

 You can get an idea of their area of interest or thought process by analyzing the activity of the person on LinkedIn. You can take a note on their current company or organization, their past job experience, and the groups in which they are joined.

 Gathering these information about your lead or prospect will help you a lot in crafting your first message so that your approach looks quite personal and interesting. Adding personalization to your LinkedIn Outreach message is always a fruit ful decision.


2). Seek help from Mutual Connections

It is always easier to start a conversation with someone unknown if there is anyone in between who is known to both of you. So you need to figure out the number of connections you have in common with your prospects.

You can ask him to introduce you to the person you want to connect. After that you can chat with your prospect one on one. This seems to be basic but still this strategy works and helps you a lot in connecting with unknowns.

 You can also add or mention your mutual connection in the LinkedIn Outreach message and try to start the conversation. There are many ways to start the conversation with the help of these strategies, for example you can talk about the common area of interest, past work experience, business strategies, etc.

3). Short and Simple

 There is a difference between email and LinkedIn Outreach Messages. Sending paragraphs or very long and descriptive text does not work in LinkedIn especially when you want to connect with your prospect or leads. Also they do not look good in small chat windows of LinkedIn Messaging.

 And that’s the reason why the length of the LinkedIn Outreach message should be significantly small, delivering the required information with the right approach for connecting and starting the conversation. You have to take a note that your first and foremost reason for sending the LinkedIn outreach message is to get the response.

 It can be a little challenging for beginners but writing a short and simple yet attractive LinkedIn Outreach Message with the right strategy always brings you more than expected results. Just keep in mind that you don’t have to be aggressive or violent.


4). Don’t sell initially

This is one of the blunder mistakes that is done by most of the beginners who are in the field of LinkedIn sales and marketing. They try to sell their product or services in their first message or first LinkedIn outreach message, this is wrong.

 This impersonates a bad image of you thinking that your one and only motive is to successfully draw customers for your products or services. This approach does not provide you even the expected results.

 So, it's best to introduce yourself to your prospects and drive their interest in personal conversation. Further you can talk about your main motive of selling your product or services indirectly.


5). Starting the conversation

 For your prospects or the person you want to connect, you are completely stranger. People often ignore the messages from strangers unless or until there is enough and good reason to respond. And you already know how to start a conversation after the response which is the first step of the conversation.

 That is why you should be giving a strong reason for response by the help of which it becomes quite easy to start a conversation with the person you want to connect.

 You can ask any question related to their work experiences, area of interests, connections, and position or job role. Asking a simple question is one of the best ways of getting a response from your prospect on the person you are trying to connect.


6). Keeping records

This is one of the most important steps and strategies to increase your efficiency and generate more leads. To bring good results and profit you will have to target multiple leads at a time. Reaching out multiple leads and managing all them at a single time becomes problematic for beginners.

So keeping records of the tracks and follow up can help you a lot in managing things properly and accordingly. You can also use CRM to keep the track of each person you have tried to connect with and do not forget to check them back.

So these were the 6 basic LinkedIn Outreach strategies that should be followed by every beginner to enhance their productivity, efficiency and the overall profit. We all know that the first impression is the last impression, so it is important that you should take care of your LinkedIn outreach message whenever trying to connect with your prospects or the leads.

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